In a surprising announcement at the “Fame Fighting Challengers” tournament, it was revealed that Valentina Doronina and Emmy Russ will indeed face off in a boxing match at the “Fame Fighting” main event on November 9th.

“I can’t wait to finally stand in front of that little shrimp and punch her face in, bring her back down to earth,” Doronina confidently stated during the live event.

Russ fired back, “I’d first find out which dentist can replace those teeth after I knock them out.”

Fame Fighting: Russ and Valentina Not in the Same Weight Class Yet

Valentina is determined to lose weight to give her opponent a proper beatdown. After the spontaneous face-off, she remarked, “I’m a bit disappointed. I expected more than cheap talk. I couldn’t take it seriously and laughed the whole time!” Even with high heels, Russ barely reaches Doronina’s chest. “I might let her land a few hits so she has a sense of accomplishment.”

To compete in the 48-kilogram weight class, Doronina needs to lose nine kilograms.

Russ initially declined. “I have no beef with Doronina,” she emphasized. “I don’t know her, we’ve never talked or even met. She’s the one with a problem. She’s just a fangirl trying to get famous off others.”

Russ also claimed that boxing is for “ghetto girls, not elegant women like me,” and said, “I don’t belong in the ring.”

Emmy Russ Changes Her Mind

In spring 2024, Russ changed her tune. “Valentina, it’s you. Congrats, your idol accepts the challenge. Better start training because you don’t want your dream to turn into a nightmare,” she taunted on Instagram with a sly smile. Stepping into the ring with Doronina seemed like the right decision.

Valentina Doronina: Training Almost Daily

As reported by her former manager Melanie Thiele on Instagram in April, Doronina is now training almost daily. “I know this for sure!” Thiele confirmed. This appears accurate as Doronina has been sharing intense boxing training sessions with Kaplan on Instagram.

“Who’s the real fangirl here?” Doronina retorted on Instagram. At one point, the fight almost fell through due to disagreements over the weight class.